Today, the whole world is affected by a coronavirus, and to fight against this virus people have been advised to stay in their homes. The people around the world are spending their days at home. The most impact of coronavirus lockdown has been on our lifestyle, physical, and mental health.
Due to lockdown, everything has changed in our daily life. Our lifestyle, our diet, and our behavior too. This change has also affected our physical and mental health like people have become less physically active, many people have disturbed from sitting at home and negative thoughts are affecting their physical health. People are in a panic. In such a panic, concern for themselves and their family is also affecting their mental health.
To keep ourselves physically and mentally fit, we have to make some changes in our daily routine. Such as:
1. Eat nutritious food - Not only in lockdown in fact you should always take a nutritious diet. Eat fruits and vegetables. Add sweet lime juice in your daily routine. The sweet lime helps in digestion and strengthens the immune system very fast. If the immune system is strong, then we will be protected from many types of infectious diseases.
4. Spend a good time with your family - In this lockdown, many people are working from home and spending time with their family. It's a good thing. Along with your work, spend a good time with the children and the elderly in your family. Talk to them as much as possible. This will keep positive energy in your family.
5. Do Meditation - Do meditation regularly. It is very beneficial for mental health. Meditation helps in mental relaxation and concentration and the energy of the body remains calm.
6. Stay in touch with friends - Stay in touch with your friends. If you live alone, keep in touch with your friends and family. This will not make you feel lonely.
7. Don't stay under stress - don't take stress at all. Taking stress has a bad effect on your mental health and reduces the ability to think, which also negatively affects your behavior like being irritable etc. Taking stress also affects your immune system.
8. Sleep well - A long and sound sleep is the solution to many of your problems. A good and healthy sleep strengthens both your health and immunity. Have a good and long sleep of at least eight hours. The best time to sleep is at night.
Do include these habits in your daily routine. With this change in your lifestyle, you will not only keep yourself happy and positive, but your family will also get positive energy from you. In this lockdown, take care of yourself and your family. Stay at home and stay safe.
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